Sunday, February 14, 2016

Practice IOC

I think I should technically fail this entire practice IOC because I talked for 12.5 minutes, but I just took points off for the organization section. And I can't figure out how to upload it into the blog, so Mrs. Genesky, I am sending it to you via email.

Grade:  17/30
Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding of the extract
6/10 I gave this grade because I believe that I showed some understanding of the text in terms of the purpose, and gave generally good textual support, but I could have been more effective and profound in the holistic part of the excerpt.
Criterion B: Understanding of the Use and Effects of Literary Features
6/10 I think that I showed the literary features and how they affected the audience superficially but could have elaborated more.
Criterion C:
2/5 I gave myself this score because I went over the time limit, but I did have basic structure in my introduction, body (three main literary features and their effect), and conclusion.
Criterion D: Language
3/5 I said a lot of "ums" and had a few short pauses, but I almost always got my idea across.

Sunday, February 7, 2016